Shadows into the playing field | Book Cover Design | RoliBooks | 2021
Shadows across the Playing Field tells the story of the turbulent cricketing relations between India and Pakistan through the eyes of two men - Shashi Tharoor and Shaharyar Khan.
Shadows across the Playing Field tells the story of the turbulent cricketing relations between India and Pakistan through the eyes of two men – Shashi Tharoor and Shaharyar Khan – who bring to the task not only great love of the game but also deep knowledge of subcontinental politics and diplomacy. In their essays, the two authors trace the growing popularization of cricket from the days of the Bombay Pentangular to the Indian Premier League. They show how politics and cricket became intertwined and assess the impact it has had on the game. But above all the book is a celebration of the talent of the many great cricketers who have captivated audiences on both sides of the border.

Process: Understanding the Pros and Cons of the old cover.

There were two main things I had to think about while designing the cover.
1. Cover should be clear that the book is about ‘Cricket’
2. Make the logo bigger (The names Shashi Tharoor and Shaharyar khan).
Process: Ideation
The initial ideation were quick sketches made according to the interaction with Roli Books – 36 pages and 36 different ideas. From them, 8 concepts were selected and made into a presentable format for secondary feedback.

Process: Selection
Three ideas were selected for making into the final cover.

The problem with this idea is the title text is microscopic. I had to figure out a way to place it nicely.

This cover was soon cancelled as it looked cliche.

This was the concept that I personally liked.
Process: Making the cover
These are a few process ideation pages.
Process: Final Cover
The other idea was cancelled due to the connotation of war.